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Elite League
22nd February 2004
Manchester Phoenix


Match completeSheffield Steelers


0 : 0 : 0 = 0Goals1 : 0 : 1 = 2
5 : 3 : 7 = 15Shots12 : 10 : 7 = 29
2 : 10 : 4 = 16Penalties in Minutes2 : 26 : 24 = 52


Man of the Match
Manchester Phoenix Sheffield Steelers
Mark Thomas Joel Irving


Manchester PhoenixTimeSheffield Steelers
 13:31Joel Irving
Assist : Mike Peron
 48:12Erik Anderson
Assists : Brent Bobyck, Ron Shudra


Manchester PhoenixSheffield Steelers
Carl Greenhous2:00Holding7:53   
   10:56Holding the Stick2:00Marc LeFebvre
   25:10Holding2:00Erik Anderson
Mika Skyttä2:00Roughing25:10   
   28:54Roughing2:00Mike Peron
   31:08Roughing2:00Kirk DeWaele
Mark Thomas2:00Roughing31:08   
   35:09Roughing8:00 + 8:00Gavin Ferrand
Mark Thomas2:00Roughing35:09   
   35:09Roughing2:00Gavin Ferrand
Mark Thomas2:00Delay of Game35:09   
   35:09Delay of Game2:00Gavin Ferrand
Bench Minor2:00Too Many Players39:16   
   43:16Tripping2:00Marc LeFebvre
Dion Darling
   45:56Slashing2:00Gerad Adams
Mika Skyttä2:00Interference46:29   
Bench Minor2:00Too Many Players57:37   

Note : "Time Remaining" is approximate
No responsibility accepted for accuracy of information

Time : 0.0028679370880127